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4 min read
Happy Employees Winning Business
Every business that is trying to survive in the current climate of intense competition is willing to try every trick in the book to gain...
3 min read
How Leaders can make Work a Joy
Leaders are an exceptional breed. They can make or break what happens in a team and the focus to make work fun is the right approach.
4 min read
Up-Skilling:- A Different perspective
"Learning is not a one-fold exercise, different perspectives form a more evolved version of learning. Expanding the horizons of learning...
3 min read
Big Checks and Big Lies
We are too accustomed to lying to ourselves. When it comes to lying about our work, money is big constraints to achieve 'happiness at work'.
3 min read
Brand Building Definitely Needs This One Thing - Happy Employees
Brand building consists of a lot of variables. A constant in all these variables is to make your brand a haven for the employees to work in.
4 min read
Thiriving in a Toxic Work-Place
"When you find yourself in an inhospitable environment, changing it won't help you, curing it is a smarter option".
3 min read
Daily Scrum
Scrum, a very basic exercise in work-place can be very effective if replicated in your personal life. Do it everyday and witness the change.
3 min read
You can't win with your Boss
Stop being cynical about your boss and fighting him. Right or wrong, you can't win with your boss. There are too many reasons beyond wrong.
2 min read
Pen and Paper
Pen and Paper is the most simplest of answers to all of your problems related to the task of decision-making.
2 min read
Balance it Out - Work Life
Workplace or home both constitute an equal level of importance in our lives. If so, we ought to develop an equilibrium between work-life.
3 min read
What is Art of Working?
Art of Working is designed to provide answers and roadmap to achieve "Happiness at Work"
3 min read
Happiness at Work - A possible reality
Living the Lie We tell lies every day and to everyone, even ourselves, more so than often. The biggest of them all is the one that keeps...
3 min read
You are Guilty
The verdict is in and you are guilty. Of what? Everything that happens wrong in your life.
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